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Synaptic membrane lysate - 503-LP1

Ready to use tissue lysates for western blots
Rat tissue lysate
Cat. No.: 503-LP1
Amount: 100 µg
Price: $285.00
Cat. No. 503-LP1 100 µg lysate in 1 X SDS PAGE loading buffer 'ready to use'.
Total volume: 50 µl. Concentration: 2 mg/ml.
Aliquot and store at -20°C until use.
WB: yes gallery  

Western blot (WB); separation of proteins by PAGE and subsequent transfer to a membrane. Detection of target molecules is carried out with antibodies. Some antibodies require special sample preparation steps. For details, please refer to the “Remarks” section.

Loading/lane 10-30 µg
Source Rat, White Wistar

Since several synaptic proteins aggregate after boiling, these lysates are unboiled. Boil sample before loading, if this is recommended for your protocol.

Data sheet 503-lp1.pdf
Documents MSDS
Cat. No.: 503-LP1
Amount: 100 µg
Price: $285.00

In many cases the relative concentration of the protein of interest is high enough to use whole brain lysate for Western blot testing. If the concentration is less than 0.2% of total protein it may be difficult to distinguish signals from background noise. Since a lot of proteins are localized in distinct cellular compartments, subfractioning may overcome this problem. Fractions have been prepared according to our protocol. Protein concentration has been determined with a Bradford protein quantification assay.