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Synaptosome lysate - 502-P2

Ready to use synaptosome lysate for western blots
Rat tissue lysate
Cat. No.: 502-P2
Amount: 100 µg
Price: $285.00
Cat. No. 502-P2 100 µg lysate in 1 X SDS PAGE loading buffer 'ready to use'.
Total volume: 50 µl. Concentration: 2 mg/ml.
Aliquot and store at -20°C until use.
WB: yes gallery  

Western blot (WB); separation of proteins by PAGE and subsequent transfer to a membrane. Detection of target molecules is carried out with antibodies. Some antibodies require special sample preparation steps. For details, please refer to the “Remarks” section.

Loading/lane 10-30 µg
Source Rat, White Wistar

Since several synaptic proteins aggregate after boiling, these lysates are unboiled. Boil sample before loading, if this is recommended for your protocol.

Data sheet 502-p2.pdf
Documents MSDS
Cat. No.: 502-P2
Amount: 100 µg
Price: $285.00

In many cases the relative concentration of the protein of interest is high enough to use whole brain lysate for Western blot testing. If the concentration is less than 0.2% of total protein it may be difficult to distinguish signals from background noise. Since a lot of proteins are localized in distinct cellular compartments, subfractioning may overcome this problem. This fraction enriched for synaptosomes (P2) been prepared according to our protocol. Protein concentration has been determined with a Bradford protein quantification assay.